
Oct 26, 2023

Writing a lot of C# for work. Working on an API. Using the mediator pattern. I don't like the mediator pattern. Writing a lot of stored procedures in SQL Server. The stored procedures return JSON directly using for_json_path. I thought it would be an unmaintainable mess. It's not pretty, but it might actually be better than modeling the entire domain of our massive, horribly unnormalized data. My company loves Michael Soft.

Writing pretty much exclusively SvelteKit for fun. Made this site using SvelteKit's static site generation. Trying to just make quick and dirty stuff instead of overambitious, scope creep messes that never get finished. This is an example of a scope creep mess that I worked on for several hours and even made an unfinished version 2.

Uninstalled several social media apps like Reddit, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram and made a Hacker News frontend which is what I almost exclusively look at on my phone now. Also made with SvelteKit. Wasn't too tough to make and felt good to actually mostly finish something.

Been very into the idea of the old web in general which is why I made a Neocities site. I like the look and feel of the early 2000s web but I also find it really hard to read a lot of the sites at a glance. It's honestly not even the flashing gifs and blinkies, it's just how damn close together all the text is. Right now I'm making things really barebones and readable but I'll hopefully make some messy, old-web inspired pages on here soon.