A browser based drawing app I started in June 2020, right before I graduated college. It started out as an electron app (hence the name Elecdrawn) for no real reason other than a vague interest in electron, then I ported it (mostly just copy-pasting existing files) to the browser. It's written solely in Vanilla JavaScript and uses Tippy JS for tool tips, Font Awesome for icons, and the panzoom npm package for, you guessed it, panning and zooming the canvas. Like any good personal project, it's an unfinished mess with horrible code, but I learned a ton about JavaScript and programming in general from building it.
A Hacker News fronted made in SvelteKit. I deleted several social media apps and replaced them with browsing Hacker News on my phone, but the default Hacker News web UI is not pretty and is very bright. I browsed several other Hacker News frontends and didn't love any of them so I made my own. I specifically wanted something that was a bit more mobile friendly since I tend to look at Hacker News almost exclusively on my phone. It's a PWA in the sense that you can install it on your device, but it doesn't really do any PWA optimizations (like offline mode) currently.