Grandpa's Sayings

  • Sexier than socks on a rooster

    Probably said about a nice looking tractor.

  • Colder than a witch's tit in a brass bra

    Can't remember if this was about cold weather, cold people, or both.

  • If I had his car and he had a feather up his ass then we'd both be tickled

    Replace "his car" with anything desirable

  • Boy I will stomp a mud hole in your ass and walk it dry

    Said to my dad when he'd test my grandpa's patience.

  • Handy as a pocket on a shirt

    You get it.

  • That woman's butt is as wide as two axe handles and a Hershey bar


  • That shines like a diamond in a goat's ass

    Probably said about a freshly painted tractor.

  • Colder than a well digger's ass

    A fun alternative to the witch's tit.

  • I wouldn't have that up my ass if I had room for a sawmill

    Grandpa sure did have a lot of ass-related sayings.

  • Busier than a one armed paper hanger


  • Busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest

    I like this one better.

  • Hornier than a two peckered billy goat

    Can't even imagine when he used this one.

  • Sweatin like a whore in church

    A classic and a reminder that "Granpa's" sayings are mostly just old country sayings. Still fun to think of him saying this stuff since I only heard him say a handful of them myself.

  • Two hairs past a freckles

    Used after being asked the time.