What the hell is this place?
It's my little corner of the internet of course. Sure are a lot of corners around here.
No seriously
This is a place where I store, document, and show things I like.
Well then what do you like?
- Gambling on college football! Go Razorbacks! Haha just kidding can you imagine.
- Big horror movie guy over here.
- Programming is pretty fun. I like frontend web dev the most despite the heaping mess that it can be.
- Video games. Who doesn't like those. The big ones are Old School RuneScape, Rocket League, and whatever FPS my friends.
- The Rubik's Cube.
- Chocolate Chip Cookies and Frozen Pizzas.
Why is the site called Sammy's Nesticle?
My name is Sam. When I was a kid my dad installed an NES emulator on the family computer called Nesticle and renamed it to Sammy's Nesticle. I wasn't old enough to know desktop icons could just be renamed, so I thought I had a custom made set of NES games just for me.
Update: I talked to my dad and all credit goes to my cousin Kevin. He put the Nesticle emulator on a CD and wrote the name Sammy's Nesticle on the disk with a sharpie.
Why is the styling of the site super inconsistent?
It adds a lot of room to do something fun and different with each page. I'm also just trying to get a (small) taste of the old days with no shared layouts across (some) pages.
Why is the styling of the site generally super simple?
I want most things to be easily readable, accessible, and mobile friendly. The fancier things gets, the harder it becomes to meet those requirements. I am planning to have dedicated pages that are more fun/interesting/complex, but they don't exist yet.