What the hell is this place?

It's my little corner of the internet of course. Sure are a lot of corners around here.

No seriously

This is a place where I store, document, and show things I like.

Well then what do you like?

  • Gambling on college football! Go Razorbacks! Haha just kidding can you imagine.
  • Big horror movie guy over here.
  • Programming is pretty fun. I like frontend web dev the most despite the heaping mess that it can be.
  • Video games. Who doesn't like those. The big ones are Old School RuneScape, Rocket League, and whatever FPS my friends.
  • The Rubik's Cube.
  • Chocolate Chip Cookies and Frozen Pizzas.
  • Gabby

    Gabby laying in the truck waiting for her dad to get out of the bank Gabby looking real cool sitting in some flowers

Why is the site called Sammy's Nesticle?

My name is Sam. When I was a kid my dad installed an NES emulator on the family computer called Nesticle and renamed it to Sammy's Nesticle. I wasn't old enough to know desktop icons could just be renamed, so I thought I had a custom made set of NES games just for me.

Update: I talked to my dad and all credit goes to my cousin Kevin. He put the Nesticle emulator on a CD and wrote the name Sammy's Nesticle on the disk with a sharpie.

Why is the styling of the site super inconsistent?

It adds a lot of room to do something fun and different with each page. I'm also just trying to get a (small) taste of the old days with no shared layouts across (some) pages.

Why is the styling of the site generally super simple?

I want most things to be easily readable, accessible, and mobile friendly. The fancier things gets, the harder it becomes to meet those requirements. I am planning to have dedicated pages that are more fun/interesting/complex, but they don't exist yet.

Get me out of here!